As a chartered chapter under the South Carolina Young Republicans and the
Young Republican National Federation, we reach out to registered
Republicans 18-40 years of age in Sumter County to support and advance the
conservative values of the Republican platform. As the premier Republican
organization for young conservatives in Sumter, we welcome you to join us
as we advocate for current political and policy issues, engage with elected
officials, and help support Republican candidates. Take a look at our
“Events” page to get involved with other like-minded young conservatives.
Also consider joining our official Sumter County Republican party website
and Facebook to find out about events in our community.
Sumter South Carolina Young Republicans – The Future of the GOP!
Mission & Vision
Mission: To inform, engage, and activate young conservatives (18-40) who
live in Sumter County about the Republican Party platform aligned with our
charter under the South Carolina Young Republican organization.
Vision: As the premier organization in Sumter County focused on young
conservatives and based on the Republican Party platform, we will
“recruit, train, and elect” the next generation of Republican volunteers,
community leaders, and candidates.